Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Education System In Mauritius

The Education System In Mauritius Education has been free for the secondary level since 1977 and for full time undergraduate level at the University of Mauritius since 1988. The State provides adequate funding for education, occasionally straining tight budgets and even subsidizing a great part of the expenditure in grant aided secondary schools, that is, schools under the control of privately owned institutions. With universal primary education being achieved in the 1970s, free education in 1977, and legislation making education up to 16 years of age compulsory, the challenges policyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ makers have had to face have related to broadening access at the higher education level, improving quality, and strengthening the management of the sector (while ensuring equity). The financing of higher education is basically via the government and students/parents. Students enrolled in public higher educational institutions are funded to a very large extent by the government. Students enrolled in local private higher education institutions and those in overseas institutions pay the full cost of their education. The key factors influencing the quality of higher education are the quality of faculty, curriculum standards, technological infrastructure available, research environment, accreditation regime and the administrative policies and procedures implemented in institutions of higher learning. The overall vision of government was spelt out in the New Economic Agenda formulated in 2000. The main challenge was to move gradually away from traditional sectors to the services sector. The objective was to diversify manufacturing into higher value-added markets and to consolidate services (financial, ICT, etc.) as a fourth pillar of economic development. To attract new investment and to maintain the countrys competitiveness, a highly productive skilled workforce was seen as imperative. With a view to setting Mauritius on a higher growth path, the country has recognised the importance of developing higher education as a regional hub for high quality education and training, to ensure that the knowledge industry acts as a catalyst in broadening the Mauritian economy, and in providing the necessary support to the existing and upcoming sectors. There has been a dramatic paradigm shift in the development strategy mooted by the government. In summary, it has been accepted by government that the education system, especially higher education, needs to be re-orientated to respond more effectively. Higher education in Mauritius can be traced back to the establishment of the School of Agriculture within the Department of Agriculture in 1914, which became integrated into the UoM when it was established in 1965. However, it was only in post-independent Mauritius that several public higher education institutions were created, which were complementary to UoM. Over the years the higher education sector has become increasingly diversified. Pre Primary sector The Pre-primary sector traditionally catered for children aged 4 onwards and , since this year, for those aged 3. The NER currently stands at 94 percent, with the State providing a per-child grant of MR 200 (USD 6). Private individuals/ institutions make up some 80 percent of the educational provision in the sector. The following measures are part of policy developments to consolidate the sector: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Strengthening the institutional and regulatory framework for the provision of Early Childhood Care and Education. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reduction of disparity among pre-schools. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Addressing the problem of out-of-schools pre-primary children due to absolute poverty. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Developing a National Curriculum Framework for the pre-primary subsector. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensuring readiness of all pre-primary school children for primary school. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Construction of pre-primary units in disadvantaged areas à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Strengthening partnerships with parents through a Parent Empowerment Program. Primary sector Children are enrolled in primary school from the age of five and enter Standard (Grade) I and move automatically up to Standard VI. The system is competitive and a two-year preparation starts since Standard V up to Standard VI for the end of primary school examinations, the CPE (Certificate of Primary Education). The CPE is a national examination carried out in all the schools of the island following a grading system. Five subjects are compulsory English, French, Mathematics, Science, and History and Geography and the grading process is based on the 5 best grades obtained from these along with any one of the Asian/ Arabic languages. . Government has implemented several initiatives in primary schools of the country in order to improve CPE examinations results. One such initiative is known as the Zones dEducation Prioritaires (Z.E.P.). This initiative targets the schools with low performance over a consecutive period of five years and involves the whole school community: school staff, parents, NGOs, business and community-based associations in improving the school climate and results. Other recent initiatives have included the development of an Enhancement Programme to cater for students of Std III and IV providing several co curricular activities to support the holistic development of the child, and the introduction of ICT in the classroom through the Sankorà © programme where classes of Std IV are progressively being equipped with computers and interactive projectors. Secondary sector The CPE determines admission to a secondary college. Secondary schools are either State owned, grant-aided private schools, or fully private fee-paying schools. The child enters college in Form I and progresses through to Form VI, requiring seven years of schooling since there is a two year preparation for the Higher School Certificate/A-Level examinations. A major nationally devised curriculum has been developed for Forms I-III with the Secondary Curriculum Framework now in place since 2010. Students study for a broad compulsory curriculum up to Form III comprising English, French, Mathematics and the Social and Hard Sciences. When students reach Form IV, they have to choose at least six major subjects for their O-Level examinations in Form V. Subsequently, students have to specialise in 3 main subjects and 2 subsidiary ones for the A Level examination. The O-Level and A-Level examinations are carried out by the University of Cambridge through the University of Cambridge International Examinations, which devises the syllabus; prepares and prints the examinations papers and does the correction for most subjects. TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) The main provider of the TVET program is the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD). The purpose of the MITD is to offer numerous technical programs to provide human resource training to meet the needs of the world of work at the middle professional level. The MITD also currently also provides courses at the level of National Diploma. The TVET sector is regulated by the Mauritius Qualifications Authority which also develops and maintains the national Qualifications Framework (NQF). Tertiary sector Tertiary education which started in 1924 with the College of Agriculture has since developed into a diversified system, composed of public, private, regional and overseas institutions catering for a wide range of courses and programmes. Tertiary education in Mauritius is characterized by a wide range of institutions with diverse characteristics. Some provide all levels of tertiary education in a range of disciplines while others focus their activities on only one or two areas at certain levels. A number of the institutions are overseas with their provisions made available through the distance education and mix mode. Within the public sector, tertiary education revolves around the University of Mauritius (UoM), the University of Technology (UTM), the Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE), the Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI), the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) and the Open University of Mauritius (OUM). Overseeing the four tertiary education institutions (TEIs) is the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) which, inter alia, has responsibility for allocating public funds, and fostering, planning and coordinating the development of post-secondary education and training. In addition to the above publicly-funded institutions (PFIs), a number of private institutions are presently delivering tertiary-level programmes, mostly in niche areas like Information Technology, Law, Management, Accountancy and Finance. Many of the programmes in the private sector are offered in collaboration with overseas institutions. Many Mauritian students also either go overseas or resort exclusively to the open learning mode in pursuing their higher education studies. The University of Mauritius The University of Mauritius (UOM) is a national University in Mauritius. It is the oldest and largest university in the country in terms of student enrollment and curriculum offered. The public universitys main campus is located at Rà ©duit, Moka. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who was accompanied by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, inaugurated the University on 24th March 1972. Over the past decades, in response to the contemporaneous and emergent needs of the various sectors of the Mauritian economy, the university now has progressed from being a mostly in-service training institution to a fully-fledged university, concentrating increasingly on bachelors degrees, postgraduate programmes, research and consultancy. The universitys current strategic plan, Strategic Directions 2006-2015, has the following six strategic directions: Knowledge creation Knowledge diffusion Investing in resources Quality culture and good governance National, regional and international collaborations Community outreach The University of Mauritius has committed itself to continuous improvement and quality management. These are the actions that the university is trying to cater for: Ensuring relevance interact proactively with the world of work and the community to cater for emergent requirements while inculcating a wider sense of belonging to the university. Ensuring quality of teaching and learning enhance existing provisions for continuous improvement in the quality of teaching and learning, and work progressively towards the implementation of best practice. Strengthen research develop further the universitys research capacity and research management plan. Internationalize the university improve the international standing of the university and expand its role and programme of activities. Amongst Mauritian universities the UoM stands out both in terms of its dominance with regard to enrolment and it numerous pockets of excellence with regard to research. The UoM is the largest supplier of tertiary education locally, accounting for 22.2% of total higher education enrolment. Faculties Originally, the university had three schools, namely Agriculture, Administration and Industrial Technology. It has since expanded to comprise five faculties, namely Faculty Of Agriculture, Faculty Of Engineering, Faculty Of Law and Management, Faculty Of Science, and Faculty Of Social Studies Humanities. The faculties are involved in teaching, research and consultancy. It has also a Centre for Medical Research and Studies, a Centre for Distance Education, a Centre for Information Technology and Systems, and a Consultancy Centre. Following these on-campus developments and expansions, it resulted in a simultaneous increase in the number and in the diversity of programmes being offered, and the number of students enrolled. The programmes of the University are internationally recognized and include quality assurance mechanisms such as the external examiner system and affiliated with renowned Universities worldwide. There is a Quality Assurance Office which helps the University in maintaining and improving the quality of all its activities. There are various exchange agreements that have been established between the UOM and overseas universities. Students Union The Students Union, established in 1971, is run by and for the students. It work in the interest of students and regularly organize various activities. All students are members, the membership fee being included in the registration. Students are very dynamic in organizing extracurricular activities supported by the Public Relations Office.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

American Islam Female Converts Essay

Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion by number of conversions each year. Despite’s Islam beginnings in Arabia, today more than 80% of all Muslim believers life outside the Arab world (Records, 2009). Surprisingly, many of this new converts are women who despite Islam’s numerous female restrictions, many have affirmed a new found joy and harmony in their lives. Islam laws for women are seen by many as coercive because they regulate important aspects of women’s life such as clothing, social relationships, marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. I would be examining the different reasons why this western women converts decided to make such a radical change to their lives. To achieve my goal successfully I would like to use various qualitative and quantitative methods to identify eligible individuals to interrogate further and to measure multiple variables that might be interconnected. I will be examining different factors such as age, education, time living in the US, time they have been a Muslim, marital status, religion of their significant other, religion of their parents, and degree of religiosity while growing up. Many of these new converts are fellow Americans who have found multiple benefits practicing their new religion. I therefore think my research is important because it portrays what Islam teacher and has to offer to its believers from people that we can easily relate to. Literature review Many people claim that Muslim women are restricted by their religion because of the immense amount of rules that it is imposed to them. One particular research conducted by Zaidi and Shuraydi (2002: 507) interviewed 20 Pakistani women in the United States in an attempt to study the different perceptions of arranged marriage among women living in western society. The study concluded that â€Å"Muslim feminist have to cope with a prevalent double standard governing the behavior of males and females†. This means that while the Koran claims that men and women are the same, in reality they are treated with fewer privileges than men. To support their claim they presented that while women are prohibited from courting potential mates, men are given tacit approval. Despite the many claims against Islam, new women converts often argue that the Islamic religion and the Arab culture are sometimes confused. Researchers Maslim and Bjorck (2009: 98) claim that many times â€Å"the culture rules try to oppress women while the religion in turn promotes positive cultural views of gender roles and ethnic diversity†. Their research mainly focused on the reasons why so many women were switching to Islam. To study this topic, the authors to contact the editors of a North American Magazine to get the sample group and then posted an online surveys that the participants could answer. The results showed that while there are a variety of reasons why women switch their religion to Islam, the most common ones included dissatisfaction with their previous faith, marriage requirement, and because of Islam’s significance and meaning. To understand further their point of view we have to compare Islam to other religion practices at the time Islam was instituted. One study performed by J Sechze (2004, 263-274) tried to evaluate different religious practices against women at the time Islam was created. The research found that many practices such as female infanticide, traditionally common in Christian communities, was ruled out when Islam was implemented. Additionally, it is suggested that polygamy was instituted in Islam to protect Muslim widows, whose husbands were killed during wars. This historical comparison makes us understand that Islam does support some feminist principals that lacked in other religions at the time. Methodology My study will use a quantitative and a qualitative method to gather the data necessary to answer the research question presented on the introduction part. I have organized a short ten question essay that will allow me to collect quantitative information. The survey will ask for variables age, education level, time living in the US, time they have been a Muslim, marital status, religion of their significant other, religion of their parents, and degree of religiosity while growing up. All of these questions will try to find different correlations among the different variables that might be important to consider when creating interview questions. The interview will be based of the survey taken by the individuals here. The idea is to contact people that took the survey that might be interested on meeting with the researcher and let us learn more about them. Interview will hopefully provide insight information about the survey answers that will further help us identify patterns that might answer why they switch to Islam. The interview place will be up to the participant, they will sign release paperwork and the interview will be recorded for further analysis. I would like to base my research question entirely on the survey correlations and therefore I do not have the interview questions pre- prepared. However, I will provide a list of possible interview questions that will be pose to change with the survey answers. Conclusion This paper is a proposed research study of the different reasons why western non –Muslim born women change their religion to Islam in their adulthood years. This is a fairly controversial topic since many people see Islam as oppressive to women because of its countless provisions regarding women’s clothing, marriage and other social affairs. While many previous researches support this notion and further give evidence of Islam women having to live in a double standard, other numerous studies suggest that Islam religion does not support such a thing and instead argue that it actually protects women that have help many women find faith and peace in their lives. To be able to conduct my study I will be using surveys and interviews that will provide me with quantitative and qualitative data to analyses and further interpret.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Nuiances of Critical Thinking Paper Writing Service

The Nuiances of Critical Thinking Paper Writing Service The Little-Known Secrets to Critical Thinking Paper Writing Service Critical thinking reflection paper is most likely among the most troublesome tasks any student can get, as it involves multiple abilities and processes, and therefore you need to possess profound knowledge if you wish to be successful in completing such form of paper. Critical thinking skill is hard to master and it's not possible to compose a suitable essay without previous experience, so a growing number of students opt to turn to a writing company for assistance and forget about stress and missing the deadlines. A nursing essay is among the documents which you should present to be in a place to be admitted to a nursing school. Your school admissions essay is merely among the most essential components of your college computer computer program. Critical Thinking Paper Writing Service Ideas Every company might say they deal with the best writers but the re isn't any guarantee that you're getting high excellent work for your work. What's a website supplying an important thinking. Among the places where I feel I have been required to use my critical thinking skills is in the region of gauging information on the Internet. Therefore, it runs with good accuracy with no downtimes. Have a peek at our price calculator to learn what your ideal price for the paper is! When you get a critical thinking paper from us, we would like you to truly feel comfortable that we'll only put up for sale papers that satisfy the maximum quality standards each and every moment. The next step is going to be the research details. Alternatively, to mind mapping, you may produce a list of ideas you have for your paper. Wonderful deals about how to critical thinking is the creation of critical thinking. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Obesity The Obesity Epidemic - 2984 Words

The Obesity Epidemic What is obesity? A condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body; obesity is when someone is so overweight that it is a threat to their health (â€Å"What is Obesity?†). Obesity is an increasing global health problem. Corpulence is an important matter because of the astounding magnitudes that this disease has reached in the past 30 years (â€Å"Health and Aging†). Obesity is the reason for nearly 10 percent of the national medical budget, which in this country it cost about $150 billion yearly. It is estimated that one in six children and one in three adults are obese. Obesity is an epidemic not only in the United Stated but in several other parts of the world. The top four countries being Mexico, New Zealand, Chile, and Australia; worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since 1980 (Richard â€Å"Obesity Rates†). Obesity is the main cause of death, related to heart disease, cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, diabetes, and sever al other health risks. In order to better comprehend obesity, it is important to explore exactly what obesity is and the potential causes of, what types of diseases, issues related with obesity and some of the paths that could be taken to aid the situation. What can people as individuals do to prevent being overweight or obese? At hand there is no simple resolution to the obesity epidemic. Obesity today is described as an â€Å"epidemic,† one of the most substantial health threats to Americans (especially theShow MoreRelatedThe Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity1133 Words   |  5 PagesObesity has always been a topic that many have had due to the increase attention it has received. Across America, there has been a lot of attention on the obesity epidemic. In America and the inner cities, more people are eating meals away from home in addition to consuming larger portions from fast food restaurants. At this rate, gaining weight is the likely outcome. High energy dense food has beco me convenient and affordable. Fast food is almost everywhere in America and, contributes to the growingRead MoreObesity : The Obesity Epidemic1509 Words   |  7 PagesThe Obesity Epidemic What is obesity? According to the Health Reference Center Academic, â€Å"Obesity is a clinical condition characterized by an excess of body fat†. Obesity causes serious and life-threatening diseases. Obesity can be calculated using the BMI or Body mass index. The higher the BMI the more obese a person is considered. More than 1 third of the population in the US is obese. Medical costs for treating obesity were estimated at $147 billion in 2008. Non-Hispanic black and Mexican AmericanRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity967 Words   |  4 Pagesthe issue. There has been substantial encouragement, which has pressured governments and politicians to implement restrictions on the publicising of unhealthy foods, particularly those targeting children. (Jolly, R. 2011) Researchers of the epidemic of obesity are inclined to emphasise environmental aspects, including the convenience of high-calorie appetising junk foods in conjunction with the influence of television programming, video games, computers and tablets that discourage exercise. TheoreticallyRead MoreObesity : The Obesity Epidemic Essay1321 Words   |  6 Pagesevidence that Americans are among the most overweight across the globe, this issue is constantly ignored. We hear about obesity being one of the most prevalent issues in America yet through the years this issue seems to worsen. Although Obesity may not be taken seriously by many, it is one of the leading health issues in America today. Many don’t understand the causes of this obesity epidemic, but being educated on this topic is the best way to prevent and control this issue. A recent study from the NationRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity2517 Words   |  11 Pagesof obesity in children is on the rise in America. One in three children in America is obese (Kelly). Anyone can recognize there is a problem with the growing numbers of children overweight, however, no one has come up with a way to stop the obesity epidemic. This epidemic in children has been caused by numerous factors now numerous solutions can stop this if they are put in use. Children are weighing more than they ever have. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, â€Å"Obesity hasRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Obesity And Obesity1319 Words   |  6 Pages There’s an appalling epidemic in today’s society sweeping across not only the United States, but all across the globe. This horrible epidemic isn’t the bird flu, or any type of sickness, rather obesity. Today, obesity rates are at an all time high in America. This disease, obesity, is being passed down the family both genetically, and by the terrible eating habits developing in the US. Kids growing up in this generation are facing frightening issues such as increased risk of heart disease, diabetesRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity Essay1503 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Obesity is becoming an outrageous and alarming health issue in today’s society. Children are rapidly getting engulfed by this pandemic every day. According to the book Public Health 101: Health People-Healthy Populations, pandemic can be defined as, â€Å"An epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and affecting a large number of people† (Riegelman, Kirkwood, 2015). The World Health Organization estimates that 43 million children worldwideRead MoreObesity Epidemic : Obesity And Obesity1634 Words   |  7 Pagesfrom 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012† ( Subsequently, the obesity epidemic has continued to increase over the past few years in the United States. There are many different aspects that have contributed to the obesity epidemic. For example, many people today choose to be convenient instead of eating healthy, which results in the consummation of processed foods. Processed foods have a significant effe ct on the risk of obesity. With a current society always on the go, adults and children haveRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity2053 Words   |  9 Pagesrise in obesity has reached global epidemic proportions (World Health Organisation (WHO), 2015). Obesity is defined as an â€Å"abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.† Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common tool used to measure a person s weight in kilograms divided by their height in meters squared (kg/m2) (WHO, 2015). An individual with a BMI greater than or equal to 30 is considered clinically obese (WHO, 2015). However this may not be the most valid way of measuring obesity as itRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic : Obesity Essay1696 Words   |  7 PagesThe obesity epidemic proves to be an issue in America and continues to grow with time. In simple terms, obesity is a disorder where the subject has increasing amounts of fat, leading to health problems in the future. This epidemic has steadily increase d in American bodies for decades and researchers have tried to find the root causes of this problem. Though there is controversy as to what is the primary cause of this rising epidemic, it is clear that there are many factors that contribute to the